Tuesday, October 12, 2010

From the OB wing at the hospital

Yup. Apparently Isaac John Fletcher, son of our son John and his girlfriend Courtney, has chosen October 12 as his day to enter the world. Last night I was up here at the hospital from about 8:00 until around 10:15 and they were deciding whether to admit her or to let her go home.

By 5:30 this morning John was texting to say he'd be a Daddy by noon. I couldn't exactly sleep after that, so Bart and I made a plan and I got Sadie up and we headed to the hospital. Looks like it will be a while but I'm not missing it. If there is internet, which the hospital has for its guests) I can work anywhere.

I was so proud of John last night. If you have read our blog you know he had a really rough adolescence. But he was so patient and loving last night. He had texted me that he was anxious and scared but he was being strong for Courtney, right by her side every 5-7 minutes to hold her hand and help her breathe through her contractions, with plenty of support and affection. He's so excited to be a Dad.

I'll keep you posted ;-) Hopefully they'll be pictures on the blog today!


  1. How exciting! I checked my phone several times last night for news. Call me if you want me to bring anything up there while you wait.


  2. waiting with baited breath, best of luck to john and courtney! <3

  3. Oh, a new baby to smother with love!

  4. This is exciting news! I'm jealous because no one is giving us grandbabies any more. Apparently they think 15 is enough! I pray all goes well for Courtney and baby Issac.
