Thursday, October 28, 2010


I am a very intense person. If you know me in person it may come out sometimes, but it is buried and well hidden. If you know me well, this comes as no surprise. However, very few people know how internally intense I really am. I sometimes nearly drive myself crazy with it all.

And that's why I have 12 kids. And that's why I have two jobs. And that's why I do a few other things on the side. I'm sure there are times when my husband wishes I had 3 or four husbands as well because I am really a LOT. If I had a child who was an only child I think they would die. Seriously.

Last night I had several unpleasant interactions with several different children who live under my roof. Part of it was my mood, but part of it is what Kari explained in her blog post yesterday about the lowest barometric pressure reading on record in our state and how, and I quote
acts of violence and emergency psychiatry visits, as well as impulsive behaviors, are significantly associated with low barometric pressure.

So my internal intensity colliding with the intensity of barometric pressure and the behaviors it caused in my children was not a pretty picture.

It must have somehow affected my daughter Salinda as well because without a word of explanation her bfs mom came and got her and Gabby again last night. She had stayed home 10 days. I think it was a record for 2010. But the longer they stay the harder it is to say goodbye. I keep trying not to get attached..... but look at her!

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