Friday, October 01, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane....

Whew. The week is over and today I fly back home. And what a week it was. Got up early each of three days. Spent at least an hour in Seattle rush hour traffic, sometimes not moving on the freeway, to arrive much later than planned on two of the three days. Navigated my way there alone, presented for 6 hours, and then crawled back in the same rush hour traffic to my room to attempt to get things done. Met lots of really cool people -- some of them pictured above. (these folks are from the King County Adoption Unit and a few of these people have heard me speak several times. One of them is a huge and very encouraging friend -- another is a good friend who I've known professionally for years. Great people and a good day yesterday.

Today I fly out at 11:15 and return home at about 4:30, taking the 6 pm shuttle home to arrive by 7:30. It will be nice to be back, but it's been a good week.

I realize that for some of you public speaking, rush hour traffic, self-navigation, and being away from family sounds like a nightmare, but to me it's WAY less stressful than being at home. Even having Bart tell me what is happening there causes me more stress than everything else I'm doing.

But I'm developing a strategy for dealing with what is happening and heading home with some ideas of how I can change myself to help my kids....

Practicing what I preach I guess.

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