Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Lovely Experience

Bart commented to me today that the birth of Isaac was such a calm experience that it didn't even seem like a major event. So true. Let me give you more details.

Last night about 10:00 I headed home from the hospital (which fortunately is all of five minutes from the house. I had gone up about 8 because John was texting that he was anxious and scared and I figured they could use some support. They had been at the hospital since about 5 and nobody could decide if she should be admitted. She was in early labor and dilated three centimeters with contractions about 5-7 minutes apart. So they deliberated for hours.

At 10:00 they were talking of sending her home, at 10:30 they suggested that she stay at the hospital for a couple more hours, and I went to bed.

I woke up to a 5:30 text saying we could come up to the hospital at any time. i didn't know the rest of the story. Apparently she had gone home at 12:30 but her water broke at 2:30 and so they were back at the hospital by 3. I got up at 6:15, woke up Sadie, and she and I were at the hospital by 7:30 in the waiting area with Courtney's parents (who are no longer married by get along fine). By 8:40 Isaac had entered the world. Courtney had said she didn't want anyone in the room but John for the delivery and we respected her wishes.

At 9 Bart came up with Tony and Dominyk (it was late start this morning) but they had to stitch Courtney, weigh and measure the baby, and then clean him up. Next she wanted to nurse him with only John in the room, so that took a while. John then came down to see us. He came into the room to hug me and all the stress and tension of the whole ordeal (along with fatigue) suddenly overtook him and he sobbed. He hugged me for a long time, telling me how much he loved me. Then he gave Bart an equally long hug, saying the same things.

Bart then took Tony and Dominyk and the boys at home to school, and then headed back about 10:15. By 10:45 we were allowed to see him.

The hours in the waiting room with both sets of parents there were relaxed and fun. John and Courtney handled the whole thing maturely and without drama. Everyone got along famously.

This is the way it should be...

Right now I am sitting in the room with this new family. John wanted me to be in here because he wanted to hold Isaac but didn't want the nurse to "yell at him." I explained he was the father and he could hold his son.

It's so peaceful in here. ALl three of them are asleep, Isaac in John's arms. Sometimes things just go ok. ANd it's awesome when they do!


  1. Ok, I admit it, this post made me cry. Congratulations to you, Grandma, and to Isaac's parents....what a beautiful, beautiful thing LIFE is! :)

  2. No words for how beautiful this is. I am so glad for all of you.

  3. Amazing! So happy it went well. This post brought tears to my eyes too.

  4. Beautiful pix of a beautiful family. Congrats!
