Sunday, October 17, 2010

More Isaac Pics

John, Courtney and Isaac were in church this morning which was great. In fact, everyone but Kyle (who lives in the Cities) and Mike (who was actually out of town) was with us in church today. I love having my kids there. ALmost always everyone who is at home comes (except MIke) but usually John and Courtney go to her church and Salinda isn't here on weekends.

WE also had 3 college students join us for church -- one of whom we knew in Luverne years ago. They came out to eat with us afterwards. And then John and Courtney and the baby came over and have been here for hours. I got to hold Isaac for over thirty minutes while he was awake. It was so very fun. He fits nicely in my lap, is very cuddly and calm, and looked up at me as if he had so much to say....

We took pictures for birth announcements which I have been working on. Very tricky to get a good picture of a baby that age. BUt we got a few.


  1. Aw Claudia, ALL pics of babies at that age are cute! And he is soooo darn high on the cute-o-meter. What a head of hair too! Congrats to you all.

  2. what handsome men you have in your life!

  3. You have some great looking boys there! :) Nothing like a strong man with a baby in arms to make me ooo-and-awwww.
