Friday, October 15, 2010

Planning the Weekend

I love my husband. You all know how much I do. He is amazing! He is a wonderful Dad, does all kinds of stuff around the house that I hate to do (including being an AWESOME chef) and he is hilarious. His sense of humor is sophisticated and sarcastic and I keeps me laughing in spite of myself a lot of the time. He is a wonderful pastor, an incredibly insightful and compassionate man who provides a non-anxious presence which allows people to feel comfortable with him.

But he likes spontaneity. He has always hated my incredible urge to plan everything. I am an obsessive planner. There are days when I nearly put "have a bowel movement" on my to do list before I decide that that is taking things a bit too far. I LOVE planning. I have intricate to do lists by category that keep me propelling forward.

But my husband likes to leave his options open at all times. He likes to decide what is for dinner at 3 or 4 o'clock - if he were to decide menus a week in advance, he says, then what would happen if that day came and he didn't FEEL like having whatever he planned?

So my endless attempts to plan box him in. And typically I try to respect that and wait for direction from him, but then nothing happens until the last minute when I'm in the middle of something for work and he says "Wanna go?" and I end up saying no.

This weekend we're doing it my way. I've planned stuff for today, tomorrow, and Monday and I'm hoping it's all going to go smoothly. Of course, all that planning has taken me some time, but I think it will help me to be more productive over the weekend...

1 comment:

  1. I'm a planner too. In my family it is jokingly referred to as a "clipboard of fun." And I totally HATE trying to figure out supper at 3 p.m.!
