Friday, October 22, 2010

Sorry for not posting more

I'm not sure if it is just that things have gotten so routine that I can't make myself go into detail any more, or if I am too tired from dealing with stuff to post it, but the bottom line is I"m not blogging as much as I was.

We had both grandkids here the last two nights for supper which adds a new dimension. Our kids have apparently been doing things after we go to bed that we don't know about, and that is stressing me out. I'm old and I need to SLEEP!

I'm heading out of town for a couple days -- meetings and then Women of Faith tomorrow with some ladies from church....

Life is busy but good....

1 comment:

  1. Claudia,

    I have been meaning for some time to point you to a blog that promotes Kindle books. A lot of the books I buy I find from them. Though I think your book is fairly priced, you might want to consider a lower price (at least temporarily).

