Thursday, October 28, 2010

TA DA!!!!!! Announcing....

The new 3rd Degree Parenting Website that is being made public this very moment....

You guys are my people. I never intended for this blog to be one for self-promotion, but rather one where we could all just be us. Many times it has been suggested that I take down this blog and do something neater and cleaner..... but I can't make myself do it. Cuz you guys are my peeps ... just sayin.. (can you tell I'm constantly surrounded by teenagers?)

And so, I have an idea....

I'm thinking that maybe I'll create another blog and have two running simultaneously. But I may copy and paste some of my better blog entries into the new blog to give it a history. But I'm not going to close this one down... I don't care what "They" say.....

So I could use your help. Is there an entry that has been particularly meaningful to you that you think would be worth proofreading and putting on a new "professional" blog?

And one more thing... if you haven't done so yet and you have a Facebook account, come on over and join that new group. Introduce yourself too!

And if I don't say it often enough, thanks for being those who have been on the roller coaster ride with me, especially since the beginning?

How many of you started reading me before 2007 before we wrote a book and before I started doing national speakIng?


  1. Congrats! I really, really liked the post you did just the other day on being ok with plan b, c, d or z.

  2. Me :) Must have been 2005?

  3. I think there was one you wrote about giving up negativity or minimizing negativity, or finding joy. . . get my drift? It was great because I think we all get really wrapped up in dealing with "issues" and miss the potentiality for joy.

  4. Can't say when I started "reading" you, Claudia. But I do remember the first time I "met" you...on the phone, either after we got home with Mitch and had met Jimy at the Radisson for that 2hr marathon party. Fun, but exhausting.

    And it might have even been you, who then sent us photos of a bunch of the kids still waiting at the orphanage. My favorite was the little girl in the blue dress with the big white collar. Who knew? She lives at my house now, and prefers not to where dresses, like her mom.

    Do you really expect us to remember only one significant post? Your life is a very good read, so don't ever take it away from us!

    Nancy...and you know where I live

  5. Yes, please don't close this blog!!! I like reading even your "boring" posts.

  6. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I've been reading you for about four years now. I stayed up late one night and read your book draft from beginning to end when it was online.

  7. I started reading your blog just as you were transitioning Wilson and Leo into your family:) Have loved every minute of your insight, wisdom and frustrations!!
    Love you book too!
