Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Things are OK

I'm not sure if less is happening here, if I am just choosing not to post drama, or if my definition of OK is changing, but things are OK. There seems to be less drama at the moment, and other than the fact that I'm finding myself to be incredibly busy life is fairly routine these days.

The kids have found their groove back in school and the sudden drama ups and downs of Salinda's life aren't a daily issue when she isn't home. She is, for some reason, not talking to us and I'm just waiting to see how long it lasts. She's too close to 18 for me to continue to track her down and when I start doing that everything escalates. So I'll just patiently wait until she needs me and then she'll be calling or texting.

It's Homecoming week at the high school, so the high school kids are heavily involved in planning their outfits and getting each other ready. It's fun to see how the ones who get along well really support each other. Sadie helped Leon and his friend Ivan (remember him? he lived with us for a while) make shirts for today. The tie-dyed them and then she was ironing them for them. It is fun to have high schoolers who are doing normal things. When Kyle was in High School he did all the normal stuff, and Rand did some of it, but we've had a huge break in that as MIke and JOhn were in out of home placement and Salinda dropped out of School. Jimmy has never really been into the typical high school stuff much.

Must dive back into my inbox. I have a good blog post brewing in my mind called "And when the subsidy ends...." Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I am happy to have found your blog. I haven't found a lot of foster care blogs out there. I know they exist, but one cannot find them easily!

    I also have a blog called The Painted Dresser ( Each time a child comes to our home, we paint a used dresser as a family. To us, it is a symbol that all things can become fresh and new.

    We have been foster parents since October 2009 and have truly enjoyed the journey! We are about to adopt our 2 and 4 year old AND are soon becoming guardian of our 15 year old. So much has happened in one short year!
