Tuesday, October 05, 2010


and that is pronounced Ti eeerrrrrrrrd. Wow.

I went to bed way too late to get up at 4:30 but did anyway and worked out. Now I'm back home facing a long day. I'm trying to find a window somewhere in there for a nap.

Last night was uneventful other than a very long annoying meltdown by Dominyk. I had a hard time falling to sleep -- the dog was barking at Mike nad his friends who were out in the front yard way past my bedtime.

Tony has therapy this morning. I like our therapist. She spends time talking with me about how to survive the kids, which I need. Tony has been slightly improving but the things that arent improving have been issues for years. NOt the therapist fault though -- I'm less than consistent with our attendance.

Bart is having a great time being away and I'm glad he has the chance to do that.

So much to do, so little sleep, so little time...

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it wonderful when you find a therapist who understands the stress that the caregiver endures. Keeping yourself healthy is a challenge, but when you are not everything with the kids is soooo much harder, don't you think?
