Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Trip Over to my Right Brain

I tend to spend a lot of time in my Left Brain. I like logic. I like things to line up. I like things to make sense. My jobs often require a great deal of right brain thinking even though it might not seem like they do.

But there are times when I NEED to head over to my right brain and create -- to let that part of myself go and to see what I come up with. Whenever I have a chance to do that I find myself energized by the project.

And so this morning, while the kids are still sleeping, I'm going to wander over to my right brain and work on the powerpoint for tomorrow's worship -- I have a cool idea for the layout, Install ILife 11 and mess with it, and then work on our family page for the 3˚P website.

Later today Bart's mom and aunt are coming to see Isaac but I got a text this morning that he was up all night and his parents are tired. In addition, we had several children stretching rules last night again, and I'm going to have to put my foot down....I'm trying not to think about anything except for my lovely trip into my right brain until I absolutely have to jump back into the real world...

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