Wednesday, October 13, 2010

When You Look For Them, They Will Come

Remember Field of Dreams....

Wow, that ages me.

One of my "Twelve Survival Tips" is "Look for One Moment of Joy Each Day." I have convinced myself that if I can experience one moment of joy each day, then the next day is worth getting up for.

Days like yesterday are full of them. They are the days of joy that come with major events like weddings and births and baptisms and confirmations and sometimes birthdays or Christmases, or occasionally a perfect day when one is unexpected.

But other days it's hard to find them. Days when life is overwhelming and people are crabby and nothing seems to be going right. But on every day where I look back through my day, even the worst days, I can remember a smile, a word, a sentence... something that brought my moment of joy. But there are days when I really have to look for them. But when I look for them, I find them because they are there, waiting to be discovered.

Simple things like Sadie, on a dare from me, walking through the grocery store last night, not only without make-up on but dressed crazy and pulling her shorts way up above her waist. Her friend Sarah took this picture and texted it to me to prove she looked like this the whole time. Or when I was lying in bed last night on my side, back to the door, and there was a very small portion of my skin showing between pajama top and bottom when Wilson walked in to say good night. Without a word he slowly walked over and simply pulled down the top so that he would not, as he has indicated in the past, have nightmares from seeing too much of me.

What was your moment of joy today? What about yesterday? Want to share?

You don't have to share, but look for one. Because when you look for them, they will come...


  1. Thanks Claudia. These days I need to remember that.

  2. I love this post.

    moments of joy today:

    I asked our 1 year old what a puppy says and she replied, "woof woof" and then I asked her if she could find the mouse in the book we were reading and she said "woof woof". lol

    Brendon allowing me a moment to give him a hug this morning--perfect!

    Miss Maddie helping her baby sister get breakfast -- joyful! :)

  3. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Moment of Joy...seeing Drama boy show some interest in learning yesterday!

  4. I love this! I get accused of being "Pollyanna" a lot but I tend to do this often. Today my joy was watching the happy intensity of Lissa at gymnastics, listening to KC play the recorder while I did dishes and teasing banter with Rob about his football picks.

  5. I love your lil' Wilson....he is so darn stinkin' cute and adorable ;) What a good's stories like this that make my day ;) Thanks for sharing.
