Sunday, November 14, 2010

Controlling What I Can Control

It was a good morning. It wasn't a perfect morning. It was just a good morning. But I did everything I could to make it good and I have to relax and let it go.

The weather messed up plans for Bart's mom and sisters to come for the confirmation and baptism. It also deterred Kyle and Christy. We never heard from Salinda. Mike texted Courtney that we never woke him up and that is why he didn't come, even though he never asked us to wake him up.

John and Courtney got into a squabble and there were tears... but otherwise it was a nice morning. We had lunch together and things went smoothly.

They went smoothly for me because I only controlled what I could control and let the rest go.

How special a day is it when my husband gets to confirm two sons and baptize a grandchild? The awesomeness of that fact covers for the weather and those that were missing. Everyone did great.

My pictures didn't turn out all that well, but at least I remembered to bring a camera! That's better than I do some days!


  1. you took some really nice pictures :)

  2. Oh, what a special day you had! Bart must have been quite emotional with the confirming of Tony and Leon and the baptism of baby Isaac. My dad baptized me, confirmed me and married me, and baptized one of our sons. What special memories!

  3. i have linked this post to my ongoing discussion about how church's perceive our families
