Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A conundrum

So this morning I woke up with an idea in my head for the next chapter of the book and I was very happy, because last night I had no idea what I was going to write this morning. But I told God, 'Hey, this is great! If you give me one idea for the book every morning, and I write a chapter a day, I'll be done soon...."

But then while I was at the Y on the treadmill, I had another idea. And then at the shower at the Y I had yet another.

Does that mean I"m supposed to write three chapters today because God gave me three ideas? Or does it mean I'm not going to hear from him again until day 4 -- so I should space them out?

Isn't it fun serving a God that we can't put into a box that easily?

But seriously, what do you think? Three chapters today -- or just one a day to go along with the original plan that I made with God?

1 comment:

  1. personally I would take them as them come... you never know when the next one will pop in. At least rough them out and you can always go back and smooth out and redo. God works in mysterious ways remember, so perhaps he is giving you the heads up to future mental exhaustion and trying to help you bridge the gap.
