Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fastest Day Ruiner Ever

I think I set a world record for ruining someone's day the fastest ever. Dominyk's first words out of his mouth this morning was, "Thank's a lot Mom. You' just ruined my day." All i had done was sing him a few opening lines of a happy "Good morning to you" song....

So there you have it. I have accomplished yet one more great thing in my life. I have now achieved the status of the fastest day ruiner ever.


  1. Been there, done that. Of course, I can't sing.

  2. Claudia,

    I just want you to know that I think you've become my new best friend ;) lol Does that sound stalkerish? Eh, nevermind! I LOVE your sense of humor, and reading your daily blog entries make my whole day. Some day when you are up in the cities area I would LOVE to meet with you over dinner or a cup of coffee. ;) Have a great day dear!

  3. Congratulations. I was close in the running for that title, but I guess I must concede.

    And on another topic, I usually don't listen to online pastors, but I appreciated Bart's series on
    "the Cycle of Grace". ALso nice to put "a voice" on the "invisible rev."

    Nancy "down south"

  4. we have a tradition for all new family members - and even some with short term memory deficits, typically sung at our family campout that has limited bathing facilities and no electricity...the first morning after

    Good Morning, Good Morning, hope your feeling well
    Good Morning, Good Morning hope your feeling swell
    Looks like a tractor ran over your face!
    That hair! That hair! Oh My what a disgrace!
    continue to repeat until you are hit with some form of projectile or the victim retreats back to their tent...bed... :0)
    crazy but it does make the rest of us sourdoughs smile, and laugh

    my girls hate it!

  5. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Oh my head. I am totally laughing my butt off. I don't know why this cracks me up so completely, but I have spent the last ten minutes in hysterics over it...
