Thursday, November 04, 2010

From the MSP Airport

I know this airport fairly well. I know the routine. This morning I did pretty well, but I really need to pay attention. I do dumb things sometimes -- like get in the wrong line, etc.

My morning was uneventful and it's good to be on my way. Sometimes traditions are tricky at our house.

Mike has court again today. He had a hearing yesterday as well. He has been really getting on my nerves lately with the things that he says to others in the family. I try to remind myself that he may not be able to help it, but his refusal to be anything but a leech in our family system is a bit draining. And ever since June whenever I bring up the fact that he isn't contributing anything he has said, "It doesn't matter anyway because I"ll be going to jail soon." I reminded him yesterday, when he said the same thing, that he had been saying that for months. (This was after he insisted I needed to give him a ride to court without any planning, had me get Tony and Dominyk up early for therapy, jumped in the shower ahead of Tony and took 25 minutes, and then, after all that, having a ride show up to take him to court and telling me he didn't need one after all).

There was a two hour period last night where I was ready to pull out my hair. Four of our kids ages 14-22 were acting like they were preschoolers and arguing and fighting with each other. ANd the night ended with two kids leaving the church building to take a walk and share a cigarette.

So it's a good thing I'm getting a mini break from all this. I think I need it.

ANd I'm looking forward to the conference. I love speaking to parents!

So it's going to be a good week!

1 comment:

  1. You need a shutoff valve on your hot water line to any bathroom where the kids shower. Gets 'em moving right quick when they've overstayed!
