Friday, November 12, 2010

having a lovely morning so far...

I slept in. I mean I really slept it. And it felt SO good. And then I had a shower and got dressed. (No School today and Bart's day off). And then I walked out of the bathroom up to the kitchen where my husband handed me eggs, bacon and toast prepared exactly like I liked them and I sat down to breakfast with four of the kids and a friend and we chatted while my husband began preparing our feast for "THE GREAT CELEBRATION."

On Sunday my husband will be confirming two of our sons (Leon and Tony) and baptizing our grandson Isaac. And it's going to have a great day. If Mike makes it to church we will have all 12 kids there (assuming nothing unforeseen happens) and both grandkids. A large number of Courtney (John's gfs) family will join us, along with Bart's mom and aunt or aunts we hope and we will be serving lunch at the church afterwards. It's going to be a grand day!

Celebrations in our home often create challenging behaviors, but I am taking the same approach I took at Kyle's wedding. That was an event that I decided I was not going to allow anyone to ruin for me. It was going to be what it was supposed to me-- a celebration and a joy. And I managed my emotions so that it was.

ANd I can feel myself doing the same thing this time. Instead of adding to the stress by being tense and stressed, I'm going to enjoy it, take one minute at a time, and decide to have a nice time regardless of what everyone else does...

So today I'm going to get things done at the desk and then tomorrow I'm going to help Bart as he prepares the feast (It looks like we'll be serving lunch to about 50 people) and getting the house clean in case we have people stop by. (In between working on the powerpoints for SUnday).

And today I get to surprise the heck out of Sadie and her friend Sarah. I'll tell you about that later....

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