Monday, November 15, 2010

My Favorite Day of the Week

I am so weird. I mean, seriously. But Monday is my favorite day of the week. I am one of those weird people who really like to work. And I am getting paid to do what I am passionate about, so that doesn't hurt. I literally go to work excited about the things I get to do and looking forward to the fun I will have seeing how much I can get done and how fast I can get it done. I look forward to Mondays.

In addition, Monday is the day when I get to have my office to myself. All day long, just me in a neat, tidy, quiet room, cranking through my to do list. I have so much fun making the list and then putting down the times when I accomplish the task.

It doesn't hurt, either, that by 7 a.m. when I wake the kids up I've already been to the Y, exercised, showered, and written a chapter of the book.

However, it is not good that I woke up at 3:20 and never went back to sleep. Too excited to start my Monday. Yeah, I know, I'm sick. I was also trying to decide the title of the book.

I really wanted to call it "God Change My Kids, but Leave me the H*** Alone" but I really don't think it would fit the "Woman of Faith" Genre.

So, what do you think of this: Seeing God's Heart: How Trying to Change my 12 Kids Changed Me

Too long, too bulky?

Feedback appreciated if it is done kindly. ;-)


  1. I like the first one. I think I've said something similar to a therapist once or twice.

  2. I like the first one as well, but the second one is really good too. It would make me want to pick it up in the bookstore to read.

  3. I like going to the dentist, so, well, I guess we're both weird.

  4. Wow, that sounds like a lot more fun than starting your countdown to Friday on Monday morning.

    How about just:

    How Trying to Change My 12 Kids Changed Me

    Seeing God's Heart and ....

  5. I think the first one is FAB. It would really pull 'em in!

  6. I like the first one. It's real. Women of faith and grace should be real. That's why we need faith and grace in the first place!

  7. How about "the wisdom to know it's me" I love your version of the serenity prayer and you could have the whole prayer on the front
