Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Shaking Things Up a Bit

Dominyk and Tony both have therapy this morning, so I asked Bart if he could take the kids to school this morning and I laid in bed a while. Finding myself exhausted last night almost to the point of tears, I made a decision not to get up at 4:45 and suddenly felt much better about life.

Yesterday was a very productive day for me! I was able to get email very low -- although announcing this usually spurs on the defiant group of you who wants to comment just to fill it back up -- and I made good progress on the book I'm going to write. I am going to combine funny and serious and tackle it from the idea of what I have learned about God by parenting my children. I'm thinking of four or five sections: God's love, God's guidance, God's grace, God's joy, and God's peace. And then I will stick in some funny stories in sections called, "Something funny happened on the way...." -- things that were written for the last book but never made it. I actually got the introduction done!

Tomorrow I leave for Indianapolis. I learned during my last trip to Texas that trying to combine business with pleasure doesn't work so well -- I get very tired and emotionally exhausted when I speak and don't have enough energy to socialize well. However, I am going to have dinner with two very special people on Thursday night and won't be speaking until Saturday. It hink I can handle that.

Heading into my 40 minutes to get things done before I get the boys up and head to Therapy.....

1 comment:

  1. So very close to me! Wish you had some time to socialize with me! :)
