Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Good or Glorious?

When was the last time you spent time with a new Christian…someone who didn’t grow up in the church, but who recently began to understand the power of the gospel?

In April I will be gaining another son-in-law (in case you missed it, I got one for Christmas).   We only have 2 daughters, so in April when Matt joins our family we will have the total number of son-in-laws that we should ever have.    

Matt hasn’t been a Christian for more than a couple years and we were talking about his faith in September when we were there to visit.  He said something like this, “I just can’t stop talking about it. I don’t know how any Christian can stop talking about Jesus.  This whole salvation thing is so wonderful…. so GLORIOUS!.”

It made me smile because I don’t hear 24 year olds using the world glorious very often.

As I was listening to some verses in Genesis this morning, I realized that God created the heavens and the earth and the Bible tells about the mechanics of it all — what he called different things — land, sea, sky — and how he designed the overall scheme of things.  God said that it was good but He never says anything about the beauty — about how GLORIOUS — creation is.  It might be because He felt that it was obvious.  Whatever he does is going to be GLORIOUS.  

We see it everywhere we look — the beauty in the tiniest flower and in the expanse of the sea — the depths of the ocean and the endless beauty of the sky.   We see it all — what God simply called “Good” and recognize it as amazing, profoundly beautiful, glorious.

Could it also be that this is true of HIs people as well?

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