Monday, June 24, 2019

Should I stop blogging?

I started blogging in March of 2005.  Fourteen years ago I started recording the histories and the tragedies of our family's life.    Back in the day, my friend Kari used to say that my blog was like a bad car accident -- you didn't want to look but you couldn't help yourself.   And that is how it was for a long time.

But as the kids started turning into adults and cute stories became more tragic, I tried to shift the blog to something different.     I then started writing devotionals... but lately nobody reads those either.  I've gone from having 400-600 people a day reading down to 15-20.

At this point in my journey I'm feeling a little bit like yesterday's news and I hate to even write that because then I seem needy and pathetic which is the last thing I want to be.  But there are so many ways in which it is starting to happen:

1. I think I have written my last book.  The indication that I should probably stop is that I recently I offered to give them away and had no takers, so I think that ship has done sailed (as they would say here in the south). 

 2.  I am attempting to raise money yet again for a really cool vision.  In fact it is so cool, I'm going to show it to you here.  I wrote and directed it so I'm pretty excited about it.

But raising money online is another recipe for feeling invisible and it's a struggle every day.  I was able to raise a lot when I was doing well with a fundraising plan but that got derailed in a most horrific way and now people are bored with my daily trips to the gym.

3.  I don't have a single speaking engagement lined up for the first time in a long time and I think I'm ok with that.  They sound like great deals upfront -- but all the effort it takes to arrange travel, get there, prepare, etc. is exhausting.  I love the 30-45 minutes that I am in front of folks, but the rest of it all tires me out.  

Only 4 of our 12 children and only 2 of our 8 grandchildren live with us.   The grandkids I typically only see for an hour or so now that we are in a home where they have their own separate living space... and even though they say cute things, they don't seem worth blogging.

So I ask myself the question.... is it over?  What should it's focus be if I continue?  Should I just save it for very special occasions?  I can't delete it -- too much history.  I mean after all, if you need to know the date someone announced a pregnancy or went to jail, it's all here.....    

So, should I stop?


Nancy in the Midwest said...

Nope. Not unless you’re going to start emailing me now and then. I don’t want to lose touch, and pathetically, I haven’t even attempted to do my part. Love you and your family, even though it’s been many years since we’ve actually talked. I guess you’ve done the talking, and I’ve enjoyed the listening! Loved catching up on some of you family events in your recent email. Way too much for me to try to catch you up on us me. We haven’t moved. Same home phone, same farm, same old, same old...only more old!
Nancy B

Annehueser said...

I enjoy your devotionals with the occasional side trip of life and will keep reading them as long as you post them. But my life will go on without them if you don't want to do them anymore. I will miss them though.