Saturday, April 10, 2010

Home Again....

Back from taking the trip up to take things to Salinda so she can stay at boyfriends another week, or probably more. The day did NOT start well here. Defiance and arguing and fighting all just moments before it was time to leave made me not feel like leaving and made Bart not really want me to go.....

The trip was fine enough. Sadie was mad silent for most of the ride up there and I was resentful about the whole experience, but the hour and a half we were all together was fun enough.

Apparently the coffee shop might be able to come for dinner tonight instead so Bart is making a great dinner.

ANd I got to see a beautiful baby even though I couldn't hold or touch her. And that's worth the trip.

1 comment:

GB's Mom said...

Enjoy dinner. I am jealous!