Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I'm a Puzzle

Since i turned forty I have realized that my life is like a big puzzle. Each person, each place, each experience is like a piece. If I go too long focusing only on the pieces that occupy my current situation, then the rest of the pieces go out of focus. It makes it difficult then, for me to see who I really am. Parts of who I am become dull, lifeless, faded.

In returning to my parents home, sitting through the family slide show once again, hearing more about my parents lives, those puzzle pieces become bright and shiny again.

When I see an old friend, or send an email to someone, or visit an former home, those pieces become clearer.

I am the whole puzzle, not just the small part of it that I am so entrenched in at the moment. But if I forget the rest of me, I don't have all that I need to deal with the issues that are ever present and pressing in the small part of me in the here and now.

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