Saturday, May 21, 2005


I am a passionate person. Not passionate as in I'm a great lover, but passionate about a lot of stuff.

I can go back through my life and remember things I've been so passionate about:

I used to sum it up as: God and people and bringing the two together.

More specifically, this includes:

Jesus ... from the time I was three ... and what I have believed it means to know HIm

Being with my friends and getting them together, especially old ones

Mexico, Hispanic Culture and Hispanic ministry

Macintosh computers and everything I have learned to do with them/through them/because of them that have made me be able to communicate Christ and my other passions to poeple

and now, my life is consumed with a targetted passion: getting waiting kids into homes before they age out of the child welfare system.

I have so many ideas of how to make things important to me happen, but no time. I even think I could get my ideas funded, but there are only so many hours in a day...

I wish I could find ten bored people. I could keep them busy several hours a week for years....

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