Thursday, June 30, 2005

Escape Plan

Last night I sent our youngest to his room. Actually, I had sent #5 to his room becuase of what the youngest said he did. The youngest wanted to play with #5 so he told him me later than he had lied. So I said, "Well, I guess if you lied, you should go to your room too."

I heard from some of the other kids that the youngest was making an escape plan. Becuase I was involved in something else and because it was late and I was practically brain dead, I ignored them.

My husband came in and started his sentence with the same annoying words he always uses. "Did you know that . . .?"

Now, I know that the following informaiton is going to be something that I know nothing about becuase it is going to be something that had I known about, I would have put a stop to.

SO, "Did you know that your youngest son has tied sheets together and climbed out of his window? "

I was tempted to say, "Of course I knew. I was the one who asked him to do it!" But instead, I sighed heavily, and said, "Of course not."

So sure enough, I found them -- eight clean sheets from the linen closet, all tied together and his window wide open with the sheet rope hanging from it. I searched to find him and then we had a little talk.

I can't wait to hear about which of our neighbors saw our 9 year old shimmering down the front of our house from a window facing the street with us inside apparently condoning his behavior.

Heavy sigh.

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