Thursday, June 09, 2005


WEll, we consulted when deciding if we really wanted to go to Wild Water West. Bart wanted to give the children a day to remember for his 41st birthday.

Well, Accuweather said it would be cloudy until noon, then the sun would shine until 4, then it might rain. We took our chances.

It was cold. I never even got in the water and I was shivering at the picnic table. But the kids had a little fun, even though Dominyk's lips were turning blue. Then at about 3:30 it started to warm up.

At 3:45 they closed the park because it was supposed to rain, but it never has.

Good news is, though, that we now have free passes to go back some evening when it is nicer ... and we won't be checking accuweather.

Happy 41st Bart! You're the best!

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