Wednesday, June 22, 2005


By some miraculous act of God, I got to sleep until 7:50, but I had a stiff neck and was a little groggy. All the sudden, in my half sleep stupor as I'm heading to the bathroom for a shower and realize that the golf bus is leaving in 5 minutes! I send semi-bilingual son #6 running down to get son #7 and tell him that the golf bus is leaving. He doesn't quite get the message there so I am yelling down two flights of stairs for him to hurry or he'll miss it.

I amble into the bathroom and as I am seated I realize that golf is on Thursday and it is WEDNESDAY. I send my only possible messenger out to try to track him down and bring him back so he is not fruitlessly looking for the buss, so (semi) bilingual boy runs out side, in his boxers no less (because I have just woke him up for tennis (also on Thursday) , to try to yell at him and get him back home. He fails, so he has to dress and ride his bike to retrieve the little golfer who golfs on Thursdays, not Wednesdays.

What a way to start the day....

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