Thursday, June 02, 2005

I've been Summered

First official day of Summer.

What a day .... This morning I indicated that it had been a long one already by 7:30. Here's how the rest went:

8:00 - 9:15 I tried to work my job.

9:30 -- Headed to the Residential Treatment Center where one of my sons is to a staffing for him. He's doing terrible. The meeting was disheartening and sad as he had been doing very well. He was disrespectful and rude. I left annoyed, sad, discouraged and upset.

Headed home. Assisted with the supervision of the creation of lunch while trying to eat something healthy myself and trying to answer a few emails for my job.

At 1:45 headed to the doctor, which of course took way too long, then to the pharmacy (sick kid needed antibiotics) which took too long as well and then rushed to the Orthodontist 30 miles away. Barely got there in time. Then rushed home for a soccer game...

Returned home to find things not as I had hoped and the dryer broken.

Tried to coordinate supper. Didn't have a lot of success. Four kids, two soccer games, two different times, both during supper, nobody ready to eat, can't find the shin guards,"I don't want to wear boxers"....yada yada yada

Got into an argument with a very big teenager (who happens to be my son) who was refusing to simply listen to what I had to say, decided to shove me out of his way and stomp off. He's still laying low.

And the youngest is missing.

And I'm trying to sit down to eat something healthy and that in and of itself makes me crabby.... Do you think there is an award for the most meals eaten in front of the computer while trying to sneak in a few work emails?

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