Monday, June 20, 2005

The Lost Boys

So, utilizing our new non-strategy, I decided to call the ranch after school and see how his day went -- if he gets a "no choice" at school, then he can only get a level one at the cottage, and if he only gets a level one at the cottage every day, then he can only earn 4 achievement points a week, and if he has to have 300 achievement points to get, and he only gets four a week, then it will take him 1 year and 160 days to finish the program. Yes, I've figured it out.

It's supposed to take 6-9 months, but at his current rate, which is only 4 achievement points in 3 weeks, he's going to be there until he's what, 25? Ok, I'll do the math. Ok, I was off a little. He'd only be 21 1/2 at that rate.

Anyway, I want him home sooner, so I called to check on him.

I called and the same switchboard operator who has been answering the phone since he arrived tried to connect me. She came back on the line and said, "I guess the boys can't get phone calls until after seven."

Since nobody told me this rule, I'm assuming it is not something they tell all parents, so does that mean that nobody tries to call? It's like these kids are invisible. No visits, except for the required monthly visit from a social worker. No phone calls. No letters.

And in two or three years they will be dismissed into the world with nobody but a bunch of staff on a ranch to fall back on. Even though this ranch does really well with them, it appears, and is there to support them after they leave, it's still not the same.

the lost boys....

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