Tuesday, June 28, 2005

My Heartwarming Son

Somehow, my youngest seems to warm my heart almost daily with the things he says. He's only nine, but for years he's had this wisdom.

Examples from times past include:

"You know Mom, God is like a huge bridge over the biggest ocean. And as long as you stay on the bridge, no matter what happens in the water, you'll be OK."

"Duh! God doesn't care what color your skin is!"


"Everything matters in life."

When we watched Simon Birch Sunday night, Dominyk was in tears. The next morning he said, "At the end, when he died, I wanted to run from the room and scream, "I just can't take it anymore" because it was SO sad."

and when we saw Napolean Dynamite he said, "I don't like it that those kids are taking pleasure in other people's pain."

I didn't hear the rest of the conversation, ut I just overheard him when his friend arrived, with all the sweetness and authenticity he could muster saying, "But I don't care if you smell!"

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