Saturday, June 25, 2005

One Reason Why I go to Church

Apparently this blog now allows me to upload photos without needing to use Flickr. Cool.

Traditional Worship is the hour of the week where I do absolutely nothing but sit, reflect, and listen -- to the pastor (who, by the way, is quite good at my church) and to God.

It's the hour of the week where I sit next to my children and most of the time we don't argue. My daughters often sit close to me and even let me touch them even though other people are watching and they ARE getting kind of big.

It's the time where I can reflect on God's goodness. It's a time where I can reconnect through Scriptures and hymns, with memories of other times and people in my life.

The rest of my week is crammed full of going here and going there, visiting, writing, composing, answering, asking. All of my space in my mind and even my physical space seems to be completely full except for that hour.

There is something comforting about being in the same place each week with the same people doing the same thing.

And most of all, during that hour, I feel blessed. I am so full of gratitude for my blessings. I get perspective. I get in touch with who God made me to be and recharge for the week ahead.

So I look forward to tomorrow when I can look next to me and see my beautiful daughters, look ahead and see my incredible husband, look around and see friends who love me, and look up ... and see a God who through the seasons of my life remains faithful.

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