Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Question of the Day -- Who is it Really About?

I won't go into any details, as I sit here, not telling my children to go to bed, because it is summer after all...

I'm hoping they'll just drop exhausted in their tracks, but it isn't working....

But something happened today that appalled me.

Someone I know was trying to convince someone else I know not to do something because it might be too hard ... it might cost them too much personally ... it might be too risky ... it might not work out.

Does God call us to do things becuase they are easy? If we are doing something that is socially just, do we not do so regardless of personal expense?

If it costs too much, or doesn't make sense to other people, or might be too hard, should we say "no, I can't do it?"

Bart and I adopted our children because we wanted to give them a home. We did it because of what we thought might happen to them if we did not.

We didn't do it for us.

It wasn't about us.

It never has been.

It never will be.


  1. Claudia, thanks for your wisdom and clarity. Easy is boring
