Thursday, June 30, 2005

There's Always Hope

I've been trying to write to our two boys who are not living with us every single day that mail goes out. It's a huge commitment, and it takes a long time. I try to send pictures or things they would enjoy. Today I made hope postcards for my two boys that I'm sharing with you...

One of the things I've been trying to do is express hope to them. In the adoption world, holding on to hope is crucial -- not just a steadfast hope in God that all things work together for good for the kids who are turning into adults before our eyes -- but even before that. Hope that we'll be approved, chosen, and that the kids will come.

Today I placed a beautiful little boy with a family that has been trying to find the right child for them for over a year. We thought they would be chosen for a group of two, then they read the paperwork and realized that it wasn't the right match for them. Then we thought another little boy was the right one and right before travelling to meet him they learned information that they had not heard before. And finally, this little guy. He's here. I saw him. I took his picture. He is with a GREAT family and they have a wonderful new son. And it's a great match.

The four teenagers that I placed a couple weeks ago are with a family who was chosen for the girls a year ago. They waited a year before the kids came home.

Another family I know was matched almost a year ago with a group of 6 teenagers. SIX TEENAGERS! And every roadblock that exists has been placed in their way. And they are still not home.

Another family has been waiting for 2 years to get matched and just today we have a lead that might be the one.

I could go on and on.

But this hope that is required to make it to placement is the same hope we have to have afterwards..... We've got to hang on believing that we are going to see our dreams become reality.

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