Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Those moments of Chaos

Lunchtime today was total chaos. I am trying to get a homestudy update written AND prepare for the placement of a sibling group of 4 this afternoon. Lots of paperwork.

So, I have two PCAs here working with my two youngest sons to "free me up" to get my work done. But today they added to the chaos. It was noisy and out of control. People throwing balls in the house, people screaming, them all trying to make their own lunches at the same time ...

The noise was unbelievable.

Now it is over. They have finished eating, their chores are done, and most of them are gone outside or away to do something else and it is perfectly quiet.


For a while there I really thought I was going to lose it.

Now I'm waiting on a few answers to some questions before I can finish what I am doing. Everyone I need answers from is out to lunch I guess...

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