Thursday, June 16, 2005

Time Outs

I currently have two children in time out, one screaming, one sulking, and one dog barking all at the same time. I have my office walls lined with children. I have one honking the car in the garage. I will replace the one sulking with the one honking and turn the honker into a screamer. Then I will have a crier and a screamer in here while I'm supposed to be working, which is why I am blogging instead. I have already dismissed the tattler and the parenter from the room.

The sulker within four minutes of leaving his time out became the cusser and is now in SUPER time out in his room.

And the only kid that wasn't in trouble came in to join in the time out fun and voluntarily sat in time out.

There have been times today where I have been trying to answer emails and match children with families with five or six kids in here who were only in here because they couldn't think of anything better to do.

I am saying profound things like, "Male dogs don't have tits" and "Don't say weiner" and wondering whether I will remain sane.

My question is this, "Why doesn't my state have year round school?"

I talk to people, like the checkout lady at Pamida, and she says, "I just so look forward every year to when my children get out of school. I love having them home with me."

And I'm thinking, "YOU'RE HERE!!!!! They are not home with you. They are at home and YOU ARE HERE!"

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