Friday, June 10, 2005

Why would anyone want to be a 13 year old boy?

I am going through my 5th 13 year old boy. I can't believe I'm still alive. (And Cindy, don't EVEN brag that you've already been through 8 of them or whatever...)

He has spent his day in "Consequenceville." Every time I turn around he is saying or doing something so obnoxious, annoying, or mean that I have to hand out a consequence.

Days like today I tell Bart, "Today Consequences are Chocolate, and I'm stinking Willy Wonka."

I just don't know how these 13 year old boys can be so irritating for such extended periods of time. I remember when my brother was 13 -- my mother said to me, "Beware... you really don't want to mix menapause with teenage boys." Why didn't I remember THAT when we were adopting 9 kids in five years, 7 of them boys?

She used to refer to "unnecessary, repititious noise." I've been living in it. Fortunately, I only have 3 more 13 year old boys to survive in the next 5 years.

Three years from now I'll have 8 teenagers.

I'll be a blathering idiot by then ... if I'm not one already.

Last night, Dominyk was pretending to help me out of my chair. He said, "Mom, one of these days you're going to need a CRANE to get you up."

And he's only 9.

Oh the joys I have to look forward to....

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