Tuesday, October 04, 2005

12 hour day

My kids were as good today as they were yesterday. WHich is fortunate, as I sat here for 12 straight hours getting ready for a matching bash at adopt america.

My kids did what they were supposed to do, didn’t fight, and even made supper (including mine, served at my desk) and cleaned up.

They were awesome!

And I almost got it done. Sent 290 emails today, many of them to multiple people. FInished 8 matching charts.

Now if even 1/4 of the kids I posted could get homes -- most of them will older and I will probably dream about them tonight as so many of them crossed my desk -- so many kids over 10 that may never find a home.

Now, I’m going to fall into bed, exhuasted, and hope that my coughing doesn’t keep me awake again tonight like it has the last 4 nights.

Sorry for not bloggin. It is my parents anniversary, which I was going to blog about but that will have to wait until tomorrow...


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