Sunday, October 02, 2005


With the help of Rand and Jimmy, we whipped most of the office in to shape.... Desk is for the most part tidy -- rest of the office is quite neat, I even vacuumed it a little.

When I was a pre-teen and teen my mom would force me to clean my room. (mean, huh?) I remember always starting with my desk and getting lost there for hours. There is something about sorting through old stuff that I enjoy -- all the memories and all the nostalgic feelings come pouring in.

In my cleaning today I came across a church directory from the winter after we moved here six years ago. The kids we had then were 3, 4, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11 and 13. Add six to that and you have their ages now: 9, 10, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, and (almost) 19. Add a 11 and 13 year old in the mix that we’ve added since the picture....


It’s a whole different ball game parenting kids ages 9-19 than it is parenting kids ages 3-13. Back then there was a lot more physical energy required -- now it’s almost all emotional energy.

Some of them have made such progress over the years, and others seem to be even worse ...

Weren’t they cute?

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