Friday, October 28, 2005

Answer: 8 days

Question: How long does it takes a teenager to run away who convinces his social worker that he does NOT need a lock down facility because he has changed and doesn't run away and won't ever run away again?

Yup, eight days ago our son Mike, against our better judgment, was placed in a non-secure facility in a much bigger city four hours away from us with the news that he would probably spend the rest of his childhood there and never come home.

Now, 8 days later, he has run away from this facility and is who knows where. At least we don't have to carry the guilt, because if something happens becuase did not approve of the placement or the decision for him never to return home, but Kari's post does not comfort me.


  1. I'm so sorry, Claudia. I'll be praying for all of you.

  2. Claudia,
    I will keep your family and your son in my prayers. The words I wrote in my post were not very comforting but Jesus is stronger than FASD or RAD. Keep fighting, keep praying, keep the faith. ~Kari

  3. Claudia, I, too am praying for God's protection over your son and your family.
