Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's a Crying Shame

Wow, what a day it has been so far. We found out for sure that our son is going to placed into an institution until he is 18. He is only 16 1/2. He is excited. We are sad, disillusioned, disappointed. He’s excited. The way he looks at, he isn’t going to have to put up with the parents he never wanted or needed any way.

So after 7 years of beating our heads against a brick wall our reward is that he is not returning home until he finishes his independent living program, which we are not convinced will prepare him to live independently. What will happen when he is 18 we cannot predict, but we don’t think it looks promising.

It’s very hard to hang on and believe you’re making a difference, when things like this happen, but we’re trying.

I can’t even tell you what all I did today -- because dealing with this is like having a fog hanging everywhere.

But I can tell you that my washing machine is broken, and that doesn’t help matters...

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