Wednesday, October 12, 2005


My decision was to watch TV and play Gin. Not that anyone cares, but I won a LOT of games tonight.

Also watched, “We Were Soldiers”, a movie I had no intention of watching, but I got caught up in it at the beginning when it was about people, and endured the gory violence in order to find out what happened to them all.

It was interesting that I watched that movie tonight as three young men that I know fairly well in our community were deployed to Iraq today. Their parents are my friends. Their parents are my age. One of the guys graduated with our oldest son (in fact, this was the Guard unit he almost joined three years ago).

I have been burdened by our struggles with the county and MIke’s move, but I cannot imagine being on of my three friends today -- saying goodbye to a son who might not make it home alive.

Being away from Bart for a few days or a week is hard for me -- I can’t imagine being the wife of a man who was heading off the war.

I’m going to bed grateful that my children and my husband are safe, alive, and well... and that I have so many other things to be grateful as well.

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