Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Rush

God has used me to work a few miracles and it is always a rush.

Whether it is networking to find a family for a kid who is 17 and about to age out ...

or whether it is helping a social worker see a way to make something happen that they didn’t think was possible . . .

or finding a family interested in a kid who has not had a family interested in a LONG time . . .

or keeping a big sibling group together that the state was thinking about splitting . . .

whatever it might be, there is a super good feeling that comes with being a part of making something that others deemed “impossible” possible.

I don’t have time to list examples right now, but have examples of each of the above. There are times when social workers have completely given up on finding a home for a child and tell me about the child/children as a last ditch effort (like while I’m in a bathroom stall during a break from when I’m doing a training). Or there are situations where I find a family for kids whose workers really never planned to place them and I email and call and make lots of people on the chain of command angry until they are actually forced to give the kids a chance at a family and then we make it work.

So while a lot of my job is just plain work (most days I send between 100 and 200 emails, sometimes reaching over 1000 people as many go to groups of people) there are those moments of joy . . . where that kid or kids whose worker was without hope now has hope. And that makes the day to dayness of the hard work worth it.

There’s nothing like the rush that comes in being a part of a miracle.

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