Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Should I Be Concerned

All my kids are at the pool (who aren't at confirmation) and I start bell practice in 15 minutes, so I am hiding a the church in my husband's office. I am completely alone and nobody knows where I am for 8 more minutes when I will emerge. It's kind of a weird feeling.

I was blog surfing, something I seldom have time for anymore (in fact, I don't have time now, but I had to bring two of the kids to confirmation at 7 and I figured why go home and turn around in ten minutes and come back, even though I could have worked those ten minutes...

Anyway, I'm blog surfing and come across a blog that I could have written. The topic of the blog was living with the "when . . . then" syndrome . . . always thinking "when this happens, then I'll . . . " It's the idea of planning on being a great person as soon as something else happens. LIke when I graduate, or when I get this new job, or when I get married, then I'll be ready to lose weight, or be less stressed, or be kinder to my family or ... you fill in the blank.

Anyway, the woman writing was overweight and had been through a stressful year. I totally identified with a lot of what she was going through and thought it sounded a lot like me. At the end of the blog she confesses that her shrink had recently diagnosed her with depression and borderline personality disorder.

So my question is this: Should I be Concerned?

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