Sunday, November 06, 2005

4th Grade Rhyme

When I was kid, we had things that went around school.

You know, things like

Mary had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell
Mary went to heaven, the steamboat went to

hello Operator, give me number nine
and if you don't I'll come and kick you from

behind the refrigerator there is a piece of glass
and if you slip and fall on it you'll cut your little

Ask me no more questions, I"ll tell you you no more lies
The cows are in the meadow, making chocolate pies.

But it doesn't hold a candle to what is going on in the 4th grade of the 00s

You should see Sadie do this with the actions.... She's such a drama queen and really has the attitude....

Brick wall, water fall, Dad thinks he's got it all,
He don't, I do, so boom with the attitude
Pinch Punch Captain Crunch
I got something you can't touch

Bang bang choo choo train
Wind me up I'll do my thang
Reices Pieces, butter cup
Mess with me, I'll mess you UP!

We are spending time in the living room -- both parents, and for periods of time all of the kids, having interesting and meaningless conversation.

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