Friday, November 04, 2005

Another Part of Getting Ready for the Trip

Thought I’d share this with you as well -- this is what I’m going to hand out to the social workers after I speak to them. The dartboard is provided because often I am so pushy and unrelenting about getting kids home that I’m sure workers just want to punch me. I know they get sick of me asking about the kids on their caseloads over and over and over again.

But the rest of this is about a vow that I made -- that I would ask myself, as an agency social worker, if there was anything that I could do today that would get a kid closer to home. I would also ask myself the reverse question, “Is there anything on my desk that I need to do that is keeping a child in care longer?

I’m also sharing with them this blog in hopes that a few of them will check it once and a while and be motivated to work harder to find homes for kids... not that a lot of them aren’t overwhelmed with heavy caseloads and trying their best ... but because in the midst of it all we often forget the ”whys“ of what we do.

Every single day I have to remind my coworkers, my families, and myself that it isn’t about us. It’s about the kids.

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