Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Answer: 30 Hours

Question: How long does take law enforcement to find Mike when he runs away a second time?

He’s on his way to the Consequence Program in another part of MN, far from us, where we will not be visiting. If he can have 10 of the next 15 days be cooperative ones, which will include 4 hours of hard labor each day, he can go back to the Group Home where he has run from twice. if he doesn’t he will be on his way to detention.

My Friend Lori wrote a very touching blog entry tonight about her struggling birth son ... and it applies to our kids as well....

We had our family church directory picture taken tonight and the kids were WIRED. It did not go well and the picture is mediocre and copies are expensive.... $20 for a 3 x 5. Ordered Christmas cards -- but not a lot & not much else.

We had drive through McDonalds afterwards and it was simply horrific -- Dominyk touched Tony meaning Tony had to scream and then I had to tell Tony not to scream and tell Dominyk not to touch Tony and then the whole cycle happened again and again and again. I finally told them they could go to the pool but only if they jogged there . . . figured they had energy to burn.

Now I’m getting ready to take John back to the ranch -- we borrowed him for church directory pictures. I’m trying to decide what exactly I should take for treats tonight....

Feeling tired and wiped out and now my husband is going to be gone five days straight...

I should have titled this: Answer: A LOT; Question: How many scattered topics can Claudia include in one blog entry?

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Glad they found him. I had my eyes peeled all day yesterday.