Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The answer: 4 hours and 7 minutes

I got it all done except for the cleaning off the desk and the laundry. Only got 4 loads of laundry done.

For some reason, putting on the blog motivated me. I’m not sure it always will, but it did.

I also did a few other things:

Called one family to tell them the paperwork had arrived on their kids
Wrote 3 emails requesting documentation from the sending state for 3 different cases.
Took care of the paperwork to put Mike in detention if/when he runs again and faxed it back to the worker
Wrote Blog about Rand
Dealt with several phone calls, emails, AND managed to keep 7 Instant Message Conversations going off and on all morning (most of them work related).

Now this afternoon I need to:

Meet and greet the dishwasher repairman who is in the driveway right now.
Get my Hair cut
Make a comprehensive shopping list for what I need to buy this week since the $200 I dropped at Walmart wasn’t nearly enough
Clean off the desk and file
Complete the powerpoint presentations for my trip and burn tem on a CD as well as load them on the laptop
Be interviewed by my friend Mary for one of her classes,
Head to a town 30 minutes away for a post-placement visit;
Be home in time to eat supper B4 confirmation

I love it when I’m motivated!

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