Sunday, November 06, 2005

Church without the Pastor

It always seems weird for me to attend church without the pastor. I like our pastor you know. I think he’s hot.

Kind of fun that I can say that...

I also get to joke with people about sleeping with their pastor.

Gotta find joy in weird places when you’re me.

Went to McDonald’s to eat lunch with a single mom friend of mine whose youngest just went down to MIssissippi with the Guards to prepare for deployment to Iraq. She’s an awesome second parent -- she’ is a therapist who works with kids and she knows what to do and how to deal with them, even mine! (in fact, I’m hoping she’ll adopt a teen someday cuz she’d be great at it).

So at McDonalds my kids worked hard to prove the saying that pastor’s kids are the worst -- Right after church outside of McDonalds with our friend and half the town in earshot, Dominyk screamed “Tell Tony to open the G*** D*** door! This was moments after he took a picture, which I debated putting on the blog, of him flipping off the camera.

I think I’ll just post his picture of Ronnie McDonnie instead.

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