Monday, November 28, 2005


On the way back from getting movies and playstation games and garbage bags, three NECESSITIES on a snow day (well, the garbage bags are optional) I had this conversation with Dominyk:

D: Mom, on what Continent do hippos, lions, and giraffes live? (He’s reading off a trivia card)

C: Africa


C: Yes, a continent. Africa.

D: Well, it’s Alabama.

C: Are you sure you read it right?

D: Yes, it’s a CONTINENT so it has to be Alabama.

C: Dominyk, honey, Africa is a continent, Alabama is a state.

D: Oh yeah? Spell Africa.

C: A - F - R - I - C - A

D: You forgot the L

C: It doesn’t have an L.

D: Yes it does, at the end. A F R I C A L

C: Are you sure?

D: Just kidding. There’s no L in Africa.

C: Nope.

D: And there’s no I in Team.

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