Thursday, November 24, 2005


There are two ways I could approach today and I’m not sure which I should choose.

We have had a tradition in the past of making a Thanksgiving scrapbook. When the kids were ages 3-13 we started it and that year everyone participated. Each year, older kids started opting not to do it, and now I’m not sure I will get any takers if I bring it out. I’m torn between forcing them to maintain a tradiiton, or just letting it be what it was.

It used to be that the kids needed entertainment to stay out of Bart’s hair while he was cooking and so my scrapbook intervention was a good thing. Now there would be stress and chaos and screaming, “that is SO DUMB. I’m not going to do it and that’s FINAL.”

So, maybe my best bet is to sit and my desk and work on projects I have stacked up, like finishing the chapters of the book, or working on Christmas gifts that I will do on the computer for family.

What to do ... what to do ...

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